Freshman Orientation & Outreach

Freshman Orientation & Outreach
Posted on 07/12/2021
Freshman Orientation & Outreach


July 8, 2021

Dear Incoming Freshman and Parents:

Welcome to Indian Hills High School! 

Our Freshman Orientation & Outreach Program will be held on Tuesday, August 31st. Youand your parent(s) are required to attend the orientation that will be held in the Indian Hills HighSchool Auditorium at 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM (Registration will start @ 7:45 AM). During theorientation, students and parents will be given the opportunity to meet members of the Indian HillsAdministration and learn important information about the upcoming school year. The orientation willalso include information about the district’s 1:1 laptop program explaining guidelines for students andparent(s) which are required before a district laptop will be assigned to you. If you or your parent(s)cannot make the orientation, a make-up orientation date will be posted on the district website laterthis summer. Please understand that if a parent attended a previous Freshman Orientation becauseof an older sibling in the district, she/he is not required to attend again. 

All freshman will be supplied with a district owned laptop. No personal laptops arepermitted on campus. Laptop distribution will occur the first week of school. 

After the informational session, the incoming freshman class is invited to proceed to the cafeteria toenjoy a light breakfast and to participate in our Freshman Outreach Program. Parents will be asked to

leave their child to participate in the Outreach program. The Freshman Outreach Program will includethe following:

Meeting the Senior Class Ambassadors

Ice Breaker Activities

Building Tour with your schedule in hand

Photo taken for School ID Card

Addressing any questions about high school

The outreach should conclude by 12:30 PM and parents should plan to pick up their child atthis time. 

If you have any questions or concerns prior to the orientation, please contact the Freshman OutreachCoordinator, Jen Dinan ([email protected]). We look forward to seeing you at orientation. 

We hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!


Gregory Vacca Matthew Bushta Daniel Guido

Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal 

Grades 10 & 12 Grades 9 & 11